For better performance, we recommend watching using a streaming media player. Examples:
- mpv
- vlc
- ffplay
If you have limited bandwidth, you can watch the low-res stream
If you don't have a streaming media player, you might be able to watch using the player below. (Google Chrome seems to be having issues; Mozilla Firefox might work better. If watching from a phone, Google Chrome seems to work there, or download VLC from your phone's app store and use the URLs like .) 2023-12-03 Sun: Many people are reporting widespread network issues like dropped packets. We're now rebroadcasting to Toobnix (General, Development) in case that helps with network issues.
- Legend:
- Solid lines: Q&A will be through a BigBlueButton room (you can ask questions there or through IRC/Etherpad)
- Dashed lines: Q&A will be over IRC or the Etherpad, or the speaker will follow up afterwards