Org-Mode Workflow: Informal Reference Tracking
Christopher Howard (he/him) - IRC: lispmacs,
Format: 16-min talk ; Q&A: IRC
Status: All done
Duration: 15:04 minutes00:00.000 Introduction 02:06.040 Tip about completion frameworks 03:14.920 References file overview 05:39.320 The Emacs Lisp code 08:02.720 Example reference to Elfeed article 11:41.540 Searching the references
This talk describes my Emacs workflow for keep track of references to papers, book, and Web articles, and other things I might want to look-up or quote later. I go over a few code snippets and some basic org commands which make the process quick, easy, and practical for my needs.
This talk is targetted for the beginner to intermediate Emacs user, or those who do not have much experience with org-mode. Also, those who do a lot of advanced technical writing should look instead to Vidianos Giannitsis' talk Writing and organizing literature notes for scientific writing where they will find better tools for reference tracking and scraping.
About the speaker:
Christopher Howard is an electronics technician who studies various scholarly and scientific subjects in his (very limited) spare time. He needed a quick and easy system for keeping track of various references to books, Web articles, and so forth. He found that a few code snippets and some basic tools from Org-Mode have worked well for him, while requiring a minimal setup and learning curve. He hopes that sharing his workflow will be useful to some others with similar needs.
- Q: Is the emacs config for the system in the last talk published?
- example code:
- I didn't mention it in the video, but I like also to use org-mode's attach feature to sometimes attach documents to the references.
- Try this for inserting link:
- I use (ivy-bibtex &optional ARG LOCAL-BIB) but never hacking tag system, this something I can improve.
- The current talk shows that most of the time, the already included tools in Emacs allow for custom workflows without needing to use external packages (org-roam, etc.). Of course, the latter are great for richer workflows, but core Emacs is often enough.
- do you know about the org-insert-link command? saves you from having to type brackets
- You'll likely find helm-org-rifle useful for searching, it handles, e.g. tag inheritance and so forth
- I used to use a similar approach: but I finally moved to protesilaos denote
- if you search properties infrequently, you can take advantage of quite specific literal pattern ":name" (starting with ":") using swiper or its help equivalent. You should have limited no of candidates if you know prop name. This way you do not need to remember dedicated command for searching org properties :).
- See also org-ql-find for property searches, e.g. "property:NAME=FOO" syntax
- that's honestly so verbose that I never managed to use it
- Well you could alias "property" to "p" and then type "p:foo" or "p:foo=bar". or you could just search for "foo bar" as plain text regardless of their being properties
- If you frequently search for certain properties you could use org-ql-defpred to define a predicate that matches them
- I personally find postfix notation easier in practice - aka search-string:tag. it is very practical - I first think of a term, see the results, and then expand/narrow the scope of the search term as necessary. I find it more natural than M-b + adding predicate: beware that I use org-ql fork. So, 100% untested on the released version
- that's honestly so verbose that I never managed to use it
- Great talk.
- Great talk, clap clap clap
That's based on its algorithms
of what I most likely meant
and the ones that I've used in the past.
So it usually brings up the command that I want,
or the one that I want
is one or two spots away in the entry.
That just saves me a lot of time
[and] a lot of memorization.
So if you haven't learned Helm
or a similar system for Emacs, you really want to.
Basically, what that does is
it opens up the references file,
jumps to the end of the reference file,
starts a new entry, inserts the asterisk.
It jumps back to the previous text,
and whatever previous text there is,
it makes that read-only.
Again, so that I don't accidentally delete that,
or cut, or type over it, or something
when I'm making a new reference.
Then it goes back to the new reference,
automatically adds in a unique ID for that,
and then automatically stamps it with
the date the entry was created — today's date.
Now, I've got two other functions here.
One is view-references
which does nothing but open up the reference file
and switch to that buffer
if you're not already on it.
And then there's one other here, edit-references
which does the exact same thing except for
it also goes over all the text in the buffer
and makes it writable.
So if I really do want to edit those other references,
I've got a function to quickly make that possible.
And, let's just call it
"Study of Mars Earthquake."
Now I'm going to also want to put in some tags.
On my system, that's done with
Control C, Control Q (C-c C-q
And I can put in some tags.
I like to go ahead and insert the colons.
You can leave those out,
but they're going to get added anyway,
so I'm in the habit of using them.
Let's say we'll call this 'Astronomy' as one tag,
and the next tag could be 'Planets'.
If I wanted to use a tag
that was more than one word in the tag,
I'd need to use underscores or something like that.
If I wanted a tag that was 'Mars Earthquakes',
I could do it like that, but that's kind of silly.
Now I try not to be too clever with the tags.
I don't spend a lot of time thinking about them.
I just come up with some general buckets
to throw things in.
You can see the tags were added there,
to the right of the title.
Now you can see down here under PROPERTIES,
the ID has already been added,
the Date_Created has been added.
Sometimes, I'll like to put in the publication year,
and for that, I use the org-set-property
Publication_Year, this year in this case.
And then I just need to paste in the URL.
I do that manually.
I use Org's bracket format for that.
So I start that, go back to the article,
copy the URL, paste that in.
If I want, I can add it in the title
with the second pair of brackets here.
Don't have to, but often like to.
Close that off, and there it is.
That was really it.
I add a return on the end here,
just so the next entry comes out with the right spacing.
But really, that's it,
and typically, when I'm not explaining it,
that only takes 20 seconds or so, or 30 seconds.
Pretty quick. Pretty easy.
then I like to use this to search by tag.
That's where it really becomes handy.
Let's say I want to narrow it down
to all my astronomy references
and then narrow it down a little bit more to planets.
I can put spaces in between and it still works.
You can see here in one window,
it gives me the bottom window there.
It's giving…, just because of the way
the tags are formatted with the title, it gives me
a list of all the titles that have those tags.
And I usually find what I want pretty quick
by just tapping through here.
Once I find the one that I think I want,
I press enter, and now I'm focused on just that entry.
There is some advanced functionality, I believe,
that I used in the past where you could search
based on the property fields.
So do something like search for publication —
the most recent publications in the last 10 years.
There's some kind of advanced syntax for that,
which I used once or twice.
Honestly, I use that so infrequently
that I have to go back to the Emacs manual
and figure it out each time, and figure out again
how I did that the last time.
But since I do it only once
every three or four months, it's not a problem.
So I'm not going to go over that today.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
Again, the code that I wrote, this specific approach
is not really what I'm recommending.
But here it is if you really do want to use it.
Maybe I can make a link to the URL
and share that in the chat room or something.
But I consider this to be trivial code.
So just use that if you want to use it.
I should be signing off here now.
I should be in the chat room, in the IRC chat room,
or you can reach out to me by email if you'd like.
Thank you very much.
Captioner: bhavin192
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