hyperdrive.el: Peer-to-peer filesystem in Emacs
Joseph Turner and Protesilaos Stavrou, https://ushin.org xmpp:discuss@conference.ushin.org (XMPP MUC for USHIN discussion), joseph@ushin.org
Actually a general-audience talk; just on the development track for scheduling purposes
Format: 41-min talk ; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room
Status: Q&A to be extracted from the room recordings
Duration: 40:03 minutes00:19.840 Hyperdrives introduction 03:04.600 About USHIN and the contributors 04:32.646 Basic introduction to Hyperdrive 06:06.133 Managing files with Hyperdrive.el 12:56.573 Dired like interface 15:01.234 History in hyperdrive 17:39.973 Use case of sharing large files 19:20.913 Drive creation with hyperdrive.el 23:26.199 hyperdrive-mirror 30:06.819 hyperdrive history 34:20.880 Streaming video from hyperdrive 35:08.746 hyperdrive.el under the hood 38:57.541 Next steps
This talk explores hyperdrive.el, an Emacs interface to hyperdrive, a peer-to-peer shared filesystem.
Peer-to-peer networks give you the freedom to choose your sources of information and to communicate directly with them. Emacs is a freedom-respecting text editor/operating system that puts you in the driver's seat. By bringing these two worlds together, hyperdrive.el aims to inspire deliberation about digital communication freedom.
Hyperdrives are peer-to-peer shared folders, well-suited for data that changes over time, like personal blogs. It complements Bittorrent and IPFS, which work best with unchanging data, like journal archives.
Here's a scenario: Alice creates a new hyperdrive and adds some files. Her computer returns a public key URL that uniquely identifies the hyperdrive. Alice shares that URL with Bob, who can then download Alice's files directly from her computer. No third-party servers are required to route the connection.
Data is distributed among peers; once Bob has loaded Alice's files, Carol can get them from Bob (or anyone else who has a copy) even when Alice is offline. Drives are mutable; when Alice adds/removes/changes files in the drive, Bob can refresh her drive on his machine to get the latest changes. Drives are versioned; anyone with the URL can "check out" prior versions of Alice's drive to see what her files used to look like.
Currently supported features in hyperdrive.el include:
- directly edit hyperdrive files
- dired-like directory view
- org-mode link support
- version history navigation/diffing
- built-in bookmark.el integration
- local directory mirroring
- audio/video streaming
Planned features include:
- peer discovery (swarming)
- diffing directories between versions
Check out the manual for installation instructions!
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About the speaker:
I'm Joseph Turner. I enjoy fiddle, Aikido, peer-to-peer networks, Emacs, and swimming in cold water. I work with USHIN, a tiny educational US nonprofit whose mission is to promote personal, community, and global health through free and open universal shared information for everybody. This year, we're focusing on the hyperdrive.el project, with the goal of bringing Emacs and peer-to-peer together.
I am Protesilaos. Friends call me "Prot" and you are welcome to do the same. I have been an Emacs user for ~4 years. I use Emacs full-time for practically every aspect of my computing. I am the author and maintainer of several packages for Emacs and am enthusiastic about its potential for user freedom.
Questions and answers
- Q: It's not clear how hyperdrive (not hyperdrive.el) works. Do I
need to install something on my computer to use it? Can I use it
from my phone?
- A: Like the emacs transmission client connects with the transmission-daemon, hyperdrive.el connects with the hyper-gateway daemon.
- Accessing hyperdrives on mobile: https://github.com/AgregoreWeb/agregore-mobile
- Q: What lessons have you learned while developing hyperdrive.el?
- A: Great support and guidance from talented folks like Adam, Mauve, Jonas, Prot!!
- Q: I use multiple computers and my partner also would like acess to
my notes. so 2 questions. How well would this work with using this
to editing my zettelkasten hyperdrive using multiple computers
- A: Hyperdrives are single-writer, so you'd be better off linking between drives. In the future, we plan to add support for https://github.com/nobiot/org-transclusion to hyperdrive.el.
- Q2: How well would it work if my and my partner worked on the
same hyperdrive zettelkasten
- A: If you linked between drives, it could work quite well!
- Q: What would be a good way of getting Hyperdrives if you don't
want to install NPM and hava a binary. Could you compile it with
deno or the "rust or zig or go?" cli alternative tool? I would
prefer to download a single binary.
- A: Jonas has been using hyper-gateway installed with a
guix shell
command. Thank you, Jonas!!! - Q: https://github.com/datrs/hypercore rust hyperdrive?
- A: I'm not familiar with this rust port yet.
- A: Jonas has been using hyper-gateway installed with a
- Q: If you had your druthers, what would make your work on
hyperdrive.el easier?
- A: User feedback!! Please try it out
- A: User feedback!! Please try it out
- Q: Have you tried putting a git repo in hyperdrive? Does it work
- A: If you use a bare repository, take care to gc and create pack files before mirroring to the drive, and only publish periodic updates, then that might be okay. (And make sure not to repack old pack files.)
- Q: Is data transferred between nodes in the clear or encrypted?
- A: Encrypted in transit.
- Q: Is there a searchable catalogue of hyperdrives?
- A: Not yet, but we have plans for a distributed "trust" network that could be used with hyperdrive: https://git.sr.ht/~ushin/trust.el
- Q: Any plans for FUSE or posix semantics?
- A: Not yet. There was https://github.com/andrewosh/hyperdrive-fuse , but it's not maintained currently.
- Q: Any plans for a TRAMP interface?
- A: Good idea! A TRAMP interface may make it easier to offer live hyperdrive filename completions.
- Q: How does this comprare to syncthing?
- A: Syncthing is useful for sharing files among a small group of trusted peers, like an F2F network (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friend-to-friend>). Hyperdrives are useful for publicly sharing a set of files which you can updated going forward and which others can link to.
- Q: If you edit a file on the hyperdrive, then edit the same file on
the local mirror. How is the conflict handled when you sync the
mirror again?
- A: If I understand correctly, you're asking about what happens when you write to the same hyperdrive from multiple machines. The short answer is, "Please don't do that." However, it appears that the Holepunch team is making progress on https://docs.holepunch.to/building-blocks/autobase for "autohmatically rebasing" hyperdrive history, effectively allowing for multi-writer hyperdrives.
- Q: wouldn't user be able to collaborate asynchronously by viewing diffs on a serially "shared" file, in other words, a user would copy another peer's text file, edit and upload their changes, share the link to their updated file so that then others can see diffs and in that way co-create an evolving file?
- A: You could try this. Another idea that we have in the works is integration with https://github.com/nobiot/org-transclusion
- damn, I never even knew about dired-jump (C-x C-j). Main differences with (C-x d) from the file are one fewer keystroke and having the point on the file you came from.
- Btw, hyperdrive looks like another one of those things that would be amazing if I collaborated with anyone using emacs
- Also incidentally hyperdrive is amazing
- I installed hyperdrive.el and tried to run it and immediately got: transient-setup: Symbol’s function definition is void: transient-prefix-object
- Need to upgrade transient.el
- Gah, you are right. I had an obsolete version just hanging out causing pain.
- Okay, I got hyperdrive.el working and it was super easy. hyper://fwsn55wnznts5mpkee16j89ja38nfz6zne4wijzap1z9ka4jsxio/Dird_a333f1_4884540.jpg
- Need to upgrade transient.el
- I think hyperdrive is a pretty easy way to share files. Easier than Dropbox. But maybe for delivery? I'm not sure.
A: What do you mean by "delivery"?
- I was thinking of asset delivery. I write professionally, so I have things like PDFs and other documents to deliver. Sometimes I have big files to deliver to clients. Using something like hyperdrive would be cooler than Dropbox. ... Hmmmm, is there a hyperdrive web gateway? - A: A good non-Emacs option is <https://github.com/AgregoreWeb/agregore-browser> Agregore is Chromium with built-in support for more protocols besides HTTP, like Hyperdrive, Bittorrent, IPFS, Gemini, and Gun. <https://github.com/RangerMauve/hyper-gateway> , the program that hyperdrive.el connects to as a client is, I think, exactly what you asking about. I don't know of a public HTTP gateway, but you could easily run hyper-gateway on a VPS. - That would be fun. Then I could control the domain name so it would look cool and professional and like I was extra high-tech. - A: hyper-gateway lets you serve multiple drives at various subdomains. For example, you could serve your primary drive at <https://reverik.tld>, and then folks could access, e.g., the USHIN drive at <https://aaj45d88g4eenu76rpmwzjiabsof1w8u6fufq6oogyhjk1ubygxy.reverik.tld>
Great work, everyone. Thank you.
- Prot's presentations are so clear. Perfectly model pedagogy.
- Just like his code: his .el buffers SQUEAK as you C-v through them.
- Prot is indeed a model of paying attention to detail.
- I have learned so much from his videos, and from his code.
- Prot switching from vim/etc to Emacs seems to correspond to an inflexion point in the current Emacs renaissance does it not? Coincidence, or... I wonder what way the causal arrow goes
- I think the current "Emacs renaissance" probably dates back to around the time that package.el was developed and then when MELPA came online. momentum seems to have been building since then
- We must also consider Org-mode's inception as a key moment in recent Emacs history
- I think the current "Emacs renaissance" probably dates back to around the time that package.el was developed and then when MELPA came online. momentum seems to have been building since then
- My Emacs environment would be much poorer without Prot's contributions, that's for sure.
- My hypothesis is that Diogenes himself made his way to Cyprus and spent the past immortal couple thousand years as a mountain hermit waiting to return to mortal life when the Emacs community needed him. Humor aside, there are a few key personalities---many of them here this weekend---who have been disproportionately catalytic to the community recently. Prot is certainly one. Thanks to all of you!
Hello, I'm Joseph Turner. This talk is about hyperdrive.el, peer-to-peer file system in Emacs. Hyperdrive is a JavaScript library developed by the Holepunch team for sharing files on a peer-to-peer network. It's released under the Apache 2.0 license.hyper://
When you share that link with someone,
they have access to your hyperdrive.
Anyone who has that link can load the hyperdrive
from the network and view its content.
When you load a Hyperdrive file from the network,
your node caches that data locally
and automatically begins seeding it
back to the network,
making it available for others to download from you.
Hyperdrives are single writer.
This means that when you create a new drive,
you are the only one who can make changes to it.
Others can view it
and can seed it back to the network,
but you're the only one who can modify it.
Hyperdrives are offline first.
This means that when you load data from the network,
it's stored locally on your machine
for you to view later,
even when you're disconnected from other peers.
You can also create new drives
and modify your drives when you're offline,
and then share those changes
once you connect with peers later.
Hyperdrives are local first.
This means that when you are connected with
other peers on a local area network,
even if none of the peers involved
are connected to the broader Internet,
you can still share files.
Hyperdrives are sparsely replicated.
This means that you can download individual files
from a hyperdrive without having to download
the whole thing.
This saves on disk space and also allows you
to quickly load just the files
that you're interested in.
Hyperdrives are mutable.
You can add files, change files,
remove files from a hyperdrive.
And when peers load your drive
using the very same link,
they will be able to load
the latest changes that you've published.
Hyperdrives are versioned.
This means that when you make changes to a file,
the previous versions of those files are not lost.
Peers can load the old versions of a file
that was changed or deleted, for example,
simply by specifying the version number
of the hyperdrive when the file still existed
or existed in a previous state.
to a key and also activating
the menu bar entry of hyperdrive.
Let me show you very quickly, hyperdrive-menu
And this is the sort of interface that it brings up.
We will take a closer look at it.
As for the menu bar,
we have hyperdrive-menu
over here,
and we will take a look at this as well.
Suffice to say that
you can get the same functionality
with the menu bar or with hyperdrive-menu
as well as by calling the commands directly
with M-x
or their respective key bindings.
I won't cover everything in that regard,
but please bear this fact in mind.
The very first thing you need to do
to get started with Hyperdrive,
either to browse or to create,
is to start the gateway,
meaning to be able to connect to
the peer-to-peer network.
You see here in hyperdrive-menu
that there is
an indicator next to the "Gateway" heading
telling me that the gateway is on.
I started it with G
and then s
Once you start it,
you can type h
to visit an existing drive,
to create a drive,
or L
to open a link to an existing hyperdrive.
You may get this link via email, for example.
In this case, let me be over here
and let me just kill this buffer.
What I want in this case is to select a hyperdrive.
You see here I have my own hyperdrive
and also the hyperdrive of USHIN,
the developers of hyperdrive.el.
What I want to do in this case,
you see there are various options available.
I want to type v
to view a file.
And in this case,
I will just type the forward slash,
which means to view the root directory
of this hyperdrive. And I am here.
It is an empty drive apart from
my credentials over here.
There is nothing more really to see.
But what I want to do is
to start adding files to this drive.
Let me use the menu bar for this.
I will hover over to the menu bar,
and I will find the "Hyperdrive" submenu.
Then I will go find where the drives are.
And you see that there are writable drives,
meaning drives that I manage,
and read-only drives, meaning drives of other users.
In this case, USHIN is read-only, of course,
and Protesilaos is writable.
So what I want to do is upload a file to Protesilaos.
And it prompts me in the Minibuffer for a file.
I will just add the README.
It is asking me, "Where do you want to add it?"
And in square brackets, the default is to add it
to the root directory of the hyperdrive.
So I will just type RET
to select the default.
And there it is. It is already in the drive.
Let me add the COPYING file as well,
using the same method.
I will go find my drive. "Upload File."
And let's add the COPYING.
And I also want to add it to the root directory.
So already I have two files.
This is looking good.
Now I am opening the file inside of hyperdrive.
This is not the same file
as I have in my local directory.
What I can do here, for example, is I can...
Let me open another file here, the COPYING.
I can create an Org link.
Notice that these are Org files.
So I will use the standard org-store-link
You can see the key binding I invoked
and the command it calls
on the top right corner of my screen.
So what I did is
I copied a link to this hyperdrive file.
And in this other file over here,
I want to say "Free/libre."
So I am editing my hyperdrive terms:
"Check the," and I will paste the link here,
"for how to use my files."
If we check what is here,
you will see that this is a link
inside of the hyperdrive.
And it's pointing specifically
to that heading over there,
which has this unique identifier,
as you can see over here.
So this is wonderful.
I want to rename it to "Check the COPYING
for how to use my files."
I will save this.
And now what I want to do is,
I want to invoke hyperdrive-menu
And you will see now the menu, unlike earlier,
has more commands, more stuff we can do with it.
For example, I can type w
to copy a URL.
And by typing w
, you will notice...
Let me go to the *scratch*
buffer to paste this in.
You will notice what the URL is.
It is my hyperdrive, my unique identifier,
and then forward slash, meaning the root directory,
and then README.org.
That is the file I was editing.
Let's do hyperdrive-menu
Let's remove the *scratch*
And let's do hyperdrive-menu
And you will notice that there are options
to download the file, for example.
If you are reading somebody else's file,
you can download it to your own file system.
Let me do that. "Download."
And it is asking me, "Where do you want to save this?"
For now, I will save it in the /tmp/
, like this.
Let's call it test.org.
Okay, /tmp/test.org
Let me go and visit test.org
And there it is.
It downloaded it just like that.
This is how you can, for example,
download the pictures and videos
that I will eventually share on my hyperdrive.
Let's invoke hyperdrive-menu
And let's go up to the parent, you see,
with the caret (^
) sign.
This will take me to the parent directory,
in this case, the root directory of my hyperdrive.
Dired is the standard file manager of Emacs.
And dired-jump
is a command that lets you jump
from the current file
to the directory that contains that file.
So you see, I am here.
The dired-jump
command, by default,
is bound to Ctrl-x, Ctrl-j (C-x C-j
So if I do C-x C-j
, in this case,
it invokes a command.
You can see the name of it, hyperdrive-up
which is functionally equivalent to dired-jump
It does the same thing, meaning that it took me
to the parent directory of this file.
I think this is very helpful.
This listing over here, in general,
tries to mimic or to reuse
the knowledge you already have of Dired.
For example, if you type o
it will open the file at point in the other window,
same as in Dired.
Whereas if you type RET
it would open it in the current window.
Again, same as what you will do in Dired.
Let's see over here.
You have options to jump with j
which is using Minibuffer completion to go to a file.
Right now, I only have two files,
but the idea is the same.
It's, again, what you would do in Dired
if you type j
with the default key bindings, though,
not with Evil mode or something else.
Let's see again what we have over here.
You can create a bookmark, and this will work,
but no need to show you everything.
The idea is that you create a bookmark
the way you create any Emacs bookmark,
to a file, to a directory.
It doesn't matter.
And then you can jump to it,
the way bookmarks in Emacs always work.
V h
to see a history of it.
You will notice that between versions 23 and 24,
this file was constant.
But in version 25, we have a change.
When you are in this buffer over here,
you can type the equals sign (=
which is a key binding that will bring up the diff.
So the set of changes between
the previous version and the current version.
And you see here, between versions 23 and 25,
I have this addition.
I think this is wonderful because now
you can always go and check
what is the state of this file.
What is this person up to?
What have they been changing?
And with Hyperdrive, you can also visit…
Let me go to the parent here.
You can always visit a previous history.
So, for example, I will go to the previous history,
and let me see this file again
in its previous history.
I am looking at the file,
but notice that the file now is not editable
because this is in the past.
I cannot rewrite history.
I can only go to the present and then modify it
and then create a new history, a new version.
But this helps me see the state of the file
at that version of the hyperdrive.
So this is the basic idea of it, folks.
with C-c h
By the way, my key presses,
as well as the commands that they run,
can be seen at the top right of my screen.
Down here, I see that the gateway is off.
So I'll start it with G s
Now, it takes a few moments
for the gateway to spin up.
So to refresh the menu,
I will close it and open it again.
And now we see that the gateway is on.
I'll press N
to create a new drive.
Now it's prompting me for a new hyperdrive seed.
A seed is a string of characters
that will be used to generate,
in tandem with my secret master key,
a new public key that will globally,
uniquely identify this drive.
So I'll type in "emacsconf".
And after a moment,
we see the newly created, empty drive.
So I'll open up hyperdrive-menu
once more.
And I'll press h
to open the sub-menu that shows
more information about this hyperdrive,
as well as commands related to this drive.
In blue here, we see the seed that I just entered
as well as the public key that it generated.
We also see that the petname
is also set to emacsconf.
The petname is different from the seed.
The petname is my personal, local identifier
for this drive.
I can change it whenever I want.
And while it's not a secret,
it's not displayed to other users.
So I will leave it for now.
"emacsconf" is fine.
But when I go to share this drive,
I'll want to display something more memorable
than this long public key.
And that's what the nickname is for.
I'll change that by pressing n
and I'll type in "Emacs Conference".
Now, when other peers load this hyperdrive
by its URL, which I can copy by pressing w
they will see the nickname
in addition to the public key.
So if hyperdrive.el is like a phone book,
the public keys are akin to phone numbers,
the nickname is like the name that your contacts
give you when they introduce themselves,
and the petname is the name
that you actually write down in your phone book.
I'll show you what nicknames and petnames look like
for drives that are not writable to me.
I'll press C-g
to close this submenu,
and now I'm back at the main menu.
I'll press C-u h
to choose a hyperdrive,
and I'll look at Prot's hyperdrive here.
And here we see that the nickname
of Prot's hyperdrive is "Protesilaos".
Now, it's grayed out,
which means that I can't change it.
I can't change it because it's not my hyperdrive.
But I can change the petname if I want it
to show up under a different name.
So I'll press p
and I'll type in "Prot", and hit Enter.
Now I'll open his hyperdrive by pressing f
And I'll pick a path, I'll just hit RET
to open the root directory.
And now, when Prot's hyperdrive shows up,
at the top of the screen,
I see that it's identified with the petname "Prot."
is like hyperdrive-upload-file
except that it allows you to upload
an entire directory full of files recursively.
For this example, I will upload
the contents of the emacsconf-mirror directory.
First step is to open the menu. I'll press H,
and then I will choose the emacsconf drive.
In the bottom here, we see the Mirror group.
The first option that I can change
is the source directory.
The source directory is the directory on my local
machine from which files will be uploaded.
By default, the source directory
is set to the current directory of the main buffer.
This is good for now, so I'll leave it.
The target directory is the directory
in the hyperdrive where the files will end up.
By default, it's the root directory,
but for this example,
I'll put these files in a subdirectory called notes.
The filter is the rule that allows you
to programmatically determine which files
in the local directory will be uploaded
into the hyperdrive, and which ones won't.
By default, all files are mirrored, but in this case,
let's say that I want to upload only the Org files,
these first three, and I want to exclude
the markdown file, solar-oven-notes.md.
So I'll press m f
, and I will choose
the regular expression string option.
If I wanted to, I could choose a named function
or a lambda, but I won't demo that here.
I'll type in org$
, which will match against
the files that end with "org."
The filter is here, and I'll leave confirmation on.
The confirmation step just allows me to review
the list of files that are going to be uploaded
into the drive before it happens.
So I'll press m m
to mirror them, and I see here
that these three files are going to be uploaded.
Looks good. I'll press C-c C-c
to confirm the mirror.
Now it says three files have been uploaded,
and here they are in the drive.
Good, so now I will modify the
fermented-overnight-oats file in the hyperdrive.
So I've loaded it, and I'll add here:
"or other grains - cook them in advance if you want to,"
and I'll save it.
Now this file, fermented-overnight-oats.org,
has been modified on the hyperdrive
more recently than on the file system.
The file system file has not been modified.
So I'll go back to my local directory,
and I'll modify a different file.
In this case, I'll add another hoedown
to the fiddle-tunes.org file.
"Tom and Jerry." That's a good hoedown.
And now I'll mirror again.
So I'll open the menu, and I'll press h
and then I'll open up the emacsconf demo drive.
And now I've also decided that
I want to include the solar-oven-notes.md file.
So I'll remove the filter
so that it's no longer excluded.
I'll leave the rest of the settings the same,
and I'll press m m
And now we see that the
buffer looks different.
So, there are two main groups.
These are the files that are going to be uploaded,
and these are the files that are ignored.
They're not going to be uploaded.
The first subgroup is the files that are new locally.
So the solar-oven-notes.md file is new on my machine,
and it doesn't exist in the hyperdrive.
So the mirror command is going to take that file
and add it to the hyperdrive.
This group contains the files that are newer locally.
So the fiddle-tunes.org file
has been modified on my local machine,
but it hasn't been modified on the hyperdrive.
So hyperdrive-mirror
is going to take the
updated version and put it on the hyperdrive.
Now, the first group that's going to be ignored
are the files that are older locally.
So the fermented oats file has been modified
on the hyperdrive more recently
than on my local file system.
So hyperdrive-mirror
isn't going to overwrite
the version of the file in my hyperdrive
with the older local version.
And finally, the emacsconf-preparation.org file
hasn't been modified on either the hyperdrive
or my local file system,
and the timestamp is identical.
So hyperdrive-mirror
is going to
ignore this file as well.
So the only two files that are going
to be uploaded now are the solar-oven-notes.md file
and the fiddle-tunes.org file.
I'll confirm that with C-c C-c
And now in my hyperdrive
we see that there are four files.
The solar-oven-notes.md file has been uploaded,
and if I open the fiddle-tunes.org file,
we see that it now contains the line "Tom and Jerry,"
which means that it was updated based on
the change to the file on my local file system.
This hyperdrive-mirror
command is the command
that we use to periodically update
the USHIN hyperdrive with
the contents of the USHIN website.
There's going to be a link to the USHIN hyperdrive
as well as the website at the end of the video.
C-c h
to open the menu,
C-u h
to be prompted for a drive.
I'll select Prot's drive,
then I'll press f
to jump to a file
inside of Prot's drive,
and then RET
to go to the root directory.
From here, I'll press j
to jump to
an item in his directory.
I'll press RET
on the README to load it.
And then finally, I'll open up
C-c h
to look at the menu.
Here, I see that I'm looking at
the latest version of Prot's README.org file.
I also see that the previous version
of README.org is unknown.
It's unknown because hyperdrives
are sparsely replicated.
That means that when my node loaded this
README.org file, it didn't bother
to load anything else.
It didn't load the previous history
or any other file in his drive.
But now that I want to check out whether
there is a previous version, I'll press V p
And when it loads, I see in the mode line down here
that I'm now looking at version 25 of this drive.
That means that I'm looking at the README.org file
at version 25 of this drive.
I'll open the menu again, and I see
that the same version number is displayed here.
The previous version, before version 25,
is also unknown because we haven't bothered
to load anything before version 25.
I also see that the next version, after version 25,
is the latest version.
So I'll open that up by pressing V n
And now we are back where we started,
at the latest version.
But now we see that the previous version,
the version before the latest version, is version 25.
Because now that our node has loaded the previous version,
it can display that information to us.
From here, I'll open up the history buffer.
I'll press V h
And I can see that there are two known existent
ranges in Prot's README.org history.
This means that the latest version of README.org
was modified at version 39.
And that Prot made four changes
to other files in his hyperdrive
besides the README.org file since then.
Before that, the time that Prot modified
the README.org file was at version 25.
And then he made 13 other changes to other files
inside of this drive.
Before that, we don't know.
We haven't loaded the history.
But since we're curious,
I'll hit RET
on the unknown line.
And now we see that in Prot's hyperdrive,
the README.org file didn't exist
for the first 22 revisions of his drive.
Then Prot created it at version 23.
Then again, at 25, made a change.
And then made another change at 39.
For good measure, I'll show you the diffs.
The first diff just contains the entire file
because the file didn't exist before version 23.
Then, at version 25, Prot added a link
to the COPYING.org file.
And then, at 39,
Prot changed the link to his own hyperdrive
to be a relative link.
Press C-u h
to be prompted for a drive.
I'll select the USHIN drive.
Press f
to jump to a file in it.
And then I'll jump to the media directory.
Once it loads, I'll press RET
on the video
that I want to stream.
of the subjective trust interface
that the USHIN team built for the u4u.io web app.
Streaming a video from Hyperdrive.
Captioner: bhavin192
Q&A transcript (unedited)
So Joseph, thanks for being here. Thanks for talking to the hyperdrive. We already had some, or we already have a lot of questions here. And I guess I would start with, let's call it the difficult, the most difficult 1. So when you were developing hyperdrive for your colleague, what do you, or what have you learned the most? enjoyable the development of this project can be with talented people working by my side, like Jonas and Adam and Prat and Mo, it's been really a pleasure to work with these folks. then probably pushed it somewhere in open source or how did it develop, your development experience? using peer-to-peer technology for sharing all kinds of information. And we came across Move SignWeaver, who was recommended to us by a mutual friend. And we started working with Move, and then about a year ago, we started looking into using Emacs, the peer-to-peer software, so that we could make use of all of the powerful things that Emacs already does with org mode and other packages. And then we started working with Adam and Pratt and Jonas. So to read it out, I use multiple computers and my partner also would like access to my notes. So, 2 questions at first. First 1, how well would this work with using this to edit my Zettelkasten hyperdrive using multiple computers? So what that means is that if you have a hyperdrive that you've created, you're the only 1 who can make changes to it. And that's limited right now to editing 1 hyperdrive from 1 machine. In theory, you could use the same private key and write to it from multiple machines, but you would have to make sure that you sync it on both machines and didn't make concurrent writes because then you would fork the history of your hyperdrive, and that would be bad. But we've spent a lot of time making links to hyperdrives work well, relative links within hyperdrives to other files inside of your drive. So you should be able to, with some exceptions, just take your personal information management set of org files or whatever it is that you have, and upload them into a hyperdrive if all of that is publicly available or would be good to share publicly. And you can make that available for other people to link to. So you can have multiple different hyperdrives that link to 1 another. connected to each other in some way. There was a follow-up question or the second part of the question. Okay, then using the same hyperdrive is probably not possible, but interlinking would be the best way to do it. There was a question concerning how they should install it. So What would be a good way of getting hyperdrives if you do not want to install npm and have a binary? Could you compile it with denner or rusk or zig or go? CLI alternative tool, I would prefer to download a single binary. around with using Geeks to install Hyper Gateway. So the way that HyperDrive.el, the Emacs package, works right now is similar to the way that the transmission Emacs client for BitTorrent works, where you have a client in Emacs that connects to a daemon that is a separate process that's running on your machine, the transmission daemon. But in this case, we have HyperGateway, which is running as a daemon on your machine. And then hyperdrive.el connects to that daemon and sends requests, and all of the hyperdrive stuff under the hood happens with her gateway. But so that package can, or hypergateway, the program can be installed, The easiest way is to just download it from the GitHub releases. You could also use NPM to install it. And then the third option that we've been playing around with is Jonas was writing a little script to install it using Geeks, since Geeks now comes with Node 18. And so you should be able to install it using Geeks. joined with microphone. Do we have now any question to Joseph or just here for chilling out. I guess it's a no. Plasma, yeah. information being private in the hyperdrives. this point. At this point, what we've been working on is mainly using hyperdrives for a public forum type tool. But you could encrypt those files if you wanted to. You can also just, a poor man's security would just be to share your HyperDrive link only with those people that you want to have access to your drive. But the way that it works right now is anyone who has the link to a hyperdrive can access its content. So long as there are peers available on the network who can serve it to you. Plasma? interrupt me. before. What about, if I remember correctly, it doesn't do as well with large files, so if you're going to store 200 gigs of video files, stuff like IPFS works a lot better, or BitTorrent. This is, are you, were you using the, any way of using multiple protocols for stuff like that? Or what were you doing with, or were you just doing the small files with the same protocol? Or as well that could interface with Kubo or some other IPFS daemon and I think that those could work really well together. We mostly have been playing around with sharing relatively small files, up to hundreds of megabytes or maybe a gigabyte. We haven't played around yet with hyperdrive.el, the Emacs client, testing that with HyperGateway. But there may be other experiments that have been done that show that that works well. The main thing is that IPFS uses content addressability to reduce duplication of the content. Whereas in HyperDrive, if you upload the same file with the same contents twice, now you have double the content being stored in your HyperDrive. It's not deduplicated. You can always clear out part of the history of your hyperdrive But IPFS has really good built-in deduplication whereas hyperdrive does not you have a couple of different Hypercore blogs, what about like commenting between them? Like you have some people who have a commenting form on Reddit for their blog posts. work recently with the distributed press API to integrate ActivityPub with these peer-to-peer technologies. Move can give you more information about that. But there is another feature that we'd like to add to hyperdrive.el, which is peer discovery using the swarming feature that HyperCore, HyperSWARM offers, where you'd be able to say that my node, my peer-to-peer node is interested in Emacs and free software as topics. And those would be 2 different topics. I would advertise on the network that I'm interested in those topics. And I would be able to discover other peers on the network who have also advertised that they're interested in those same topics. And then they would tell me, hey, here's the public key of my hyperdrive. Come check it out. I have posted information about those topics. And so in that way, you'd be able to, in a distributed fashion, discover other peers on the network who are interested in topics that you're interested in. that idea is like if you had your emacs Zettelkasten Publish like let's say you have some private data You make sure that that's scrubbed out before it goes to your hyper core and then you have another part of it that gets turned into a website for it's also given to other hyper core clients but you'd rather get the emacs users the org documents then you also publish some of them on a website so everybody as much people can get it as possible. And then a way of figuring out who you'd want to do, or if you're an Emacs user, maybe figure out that they're all related to each other, but you want to get the art mode documents because you're using EMAX. Yeah. before we switch into the next track, just to let you know. that we added, would allow you to selectively choose which files you want to share in a hyperdrive. So, with Prot's denote file naming scheme or Carl Voigt's file tags naming scheme, you could just specify a regular expression. And you could say, I want to share out of my directory of org files, I want to share only those files that have been tagged as public, or only those files that have been tagged as emacs and then only those ones would get uploaded into your hyperdrive private So I just maybe I missed it and you haven't put a link. I have no idea what happened to my microphone, but now it's back. top of the screen. So hyperdrive. Is the hyperdrive a find on the hole punch point, point T O hole Or is it just another hyperdrive? So the HolePunch team has released hyperdrive and other hyper core libraries as free software libraries that you can use. And so MoV SignWeaver, the project that MoV is working on, HyperGateway, depends on those libraries and it makes it easy for you to build other clients like hyperdrive.el which connect to the hyperdrive network. I hope that answers your question. And what did make you choose hyperdrive for this Emacs project? which makes it distinct from IPFS or BitTorrent, where when you share some piece of content, you're stuck with that static piece of content, which works well for some cases, but if you say you have a Zettelkasten or you have a set of org files that you want to share with people, you want to be able to update those files and have other people pull those updates from you. And so HyperDrive allows you to have these mutable sets of files that you can share and use the same link for other peers to pull the latest changes from you. Also, it's versioned, as we showed in the video, which is really helpful for having community deliberations and community discussions where you want to be able to reference some something that somebody said in the past and not have it get deleted or changed or something. letting you know if you want to say something now. Too late. The BB room is still open, so you can still discuss. There's also a lot going on on the pad. But you can also discuss here inside and answer the pet questions maybe later. I'll go ahead, please. would it make sense in any sense to put a FUSE interface or put the POSIX semantics in front of this at some point? It's kind of a similar question to any plans for a Tramp interface. There was a project that the HyperCore HolePunch team was working on a year or more ago that provided a FUSE interface. And I think it didn't pan out. But it's a good idea. Same with the Tramp interface. It seems like a good idea that would make it possible to more easily hook into the built-in Emacs functionality for, for example, like incremental file name completion, which we don't currently support in Hyperdrive.el. So I'd love to have feedback and design ideas for those projects. sort of assumes the file system is there and usable in that way. That's all. Syncthing links. Because I think you can set up Syncthing in such a way that you have the private networks that other people can't actually get access to. Syncthing. I'll have to look into that. because yeah, there's ways you can explicitly authorize devices. Yeah, right. I think you could actually set it up in such a way that you can have private stuff and links, and then that might be a way that you can get a completely distributed Zettelcast and with private notes. pad about DATRS, a Rust version of HyperDrive. I had not heard of that, so I'll have to look into that. If you had your druthers, what would make your work on hyperdrive.dl easier? It's been a lot of fun. I would love to have more user feedback. That would be my wish. I tried putting a git repo in HyperDrive. Does it work well? I don't think that would work well because, as I mentioned a moment a few moments ago, the data that you put into a hyperdrive is duplicated. So if you had the whole work tree in hyperdrive every time you made a change and saved it, it would be duplicated. If you had just a bare repository, I don't know, try it. but 1 of the optimizations they have for being able to view a whole bunch of people's data is they made shallow clones a lot please? 1 of the things they do is they allow you to have a whole history of every single change for a dataset Zettelkasten project. But 1 of the optimizations Hypercore did to make it more network web friendly is they made the shallow clones work a lot better and a lot... Yeah, they made that work a lot better so you don't have to download every single thing for every single project. And because they both are implementing the delta upgrades, I don't see how they could work really well together. At least from what it looked like to me. It can't hurt to experiment. Is data transferred between nodes in the clear or encrypted? That's a good question. I don't know how it's encrypted. I don't, I wouldn't recommend sharing sensitive data with hyperdrive right now? I would recommend if you want to play with it, have it be something where you're expecting the data to be shared. Is there a searchable catalog? at rest. I'm pretty sure the data at rest would not be encrypted. Right. You can separate that into those 2 questions. of hyper drives? So that's a thing, an idea that we've been a distributed trust network for discovering peers that are trusted for a particular topic. And we actually made a demo video of a previous prototype that's available on the Ashen hyperdrive that you can watch that shows the basic idea. But the idea is just that you would have a list of peers that you think are worth listening to or worth reading for a particular topic. And those peers would have peers that they think are worth listening to for that same topic. And so you would say, if I'm interested in Emacs, I want to see all the peers that I trust for the topic Emacs. And if, say, Adam Porter shows up in my list and Adam Porter trusts Jonas and Jonas trusts Pratt, I would be able to read hyperdrive information from all of those people by looking at the indirect relationships that I have by following the chain of relationships, kind of like a web of trust. And so it would also allow you to have a network of peers that you trust to block other people on your behalf. So it would be useful for subjective moderation where you can remove spam and bad actors from the people that you follow without having to delegate that powerful responsibility to some third party in a permanent way where that third party might abuse that power. So it allows you to share your list of trusted peers and your list of blocked peers with other people in a peer-to-peer way. It kind of does some... It's trying to do something weird with the internet where it redesigns it from the ground up to be peer-to-peer, local first, or something like that. Yes. I have heard of it, but I haven't really researched it. If you edit a file on the hyperdrive, then edit the same file on the local mirror, how is the conflict handled when you sync the mirror again? So I think if I understand the question, the answer is that you can't edit the file in 2 different places, I think is the answer to the question. If you were to manually copy the private key from 1 machine onto another machine, then you could cause a conflict, like a merge conflict, but you would have to go out of your way to do that. And It's not handled. I think the Hypercore Hole Punch team has another project that they're working on that would, it's called AutoBase, that would merge those conflicts. But we're not using that right now. And I think it's in early development still. So there might be a solution in the future. what's the most interesting thing you weren't expecting to discover while developing this? Like change of thoughts on how you write or I don't know. and really to programming in general. And so it's been a fantastic learning experience. Adam, Alpha Papa, Adam and I have been doing a lot of pair programming sessions where we work together and I get to learn from him. And we've had meetings with Jonas and Prat and meetings with Mauve where it's a fantastic learning experience for me to discover how to build software in an efficient and intelligent way. It's a huge pleasure. If there are no more questions, I just wanted to encourage everyone to try it out and to let us know what you think. It would be really helpful to have some feedback from people who are using it in new and creative ways that we haven't anticipated. new thing called hyperdrive.el today, and I think it's pretty cool. Hey Joseph, how's it going? Oh, talk today. I'm going to say goodbye. Thank you. And thank you for your questions, Appreciate your questions, your thoughts. we have our, our first, I don't know if our first new user, but we have the first link being shared, to hyperdrive file in the chat and I loaded it and it works. And it's funny too. It's worth looking at. So. Oh, I think it's frozen. I don't know if anybody can hear me. It's it's not, okay. Just unfroze. Anyway. All right. Well, By the way, I enjoyed your talks about hyperbole. I'm going to rewatch those later when I get a chance. It was nice to meet you, too. Bob is a really great guy to work with. All right, you have a good day, first. Feels like it's a good dovetail with the hyper core yeah, I think there's a lot of a lot of interesting possibilities to build on this we have some plans that we Will get to you later this well in the coming year And we'll see where the hyperdrive people, you know, upstream how they develop it as well and yeah, so exciting times.Questions or comments? Please e-mail joseph@ushin.org