Emacs saves the Web (maybe)
Yuchen Pei (he/him, pronounced: "eww-churn pay"), IRC: dragestil, id@ypei.org, https://ypei.org, mastodon: dragestil@hostux.social
Format: 32-min talk ; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room
Status: Q&A to be extracted from the room recordings
Duration: 31:33 minutes00:00.000 Overview 00:35.680 Background problems 05:31.940 Solutions outside of Emacs 09:46.480 Emacs solutions 09:54.600 Free clients in Emacs 12:43.021 Web browsers in Emacs 16:52.380 emacs-web-server - overview 17:30.380 emacs-web-server - hello emacs! 18:17.580 emacs-web-server - yolo 23:07.940 emacs-web-server - emacs web framework 29:40.420 Firefox with emacs for extensions 31:25.360 Thank you
On one hand, Emacs is the crown jewel of the GNU Project for its customisability and the ability to effortlessly convert users to hackers. On the other hand, today many of the sticky issues with proprietary software proliferation stems from the web, including the Javascript trap[1] on the client side and the SaaSS trap[2] on the server side. So enters the topic of this talk. I will briefly talk about these issues and existing non-emacs solutions, followed by ideas and demonstrations on how Emacs can fix user freedom on the web, including: emacs clients for specific websites and services, emacs-based browsers aka universal frontends, transformer of emacs packages to web apps and firefox browser extensions, and more.
- [1] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.html
- [2] https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/who-does-that-server-really-serve.en.html
Projects and tools mentioned in the talk:
- LibreJS https://gnu.org/s/librejs
- lynx https://lynx.invisible-island.net
- noscript https://NoScript.net
- GreaseMonkey https://www.greasespot.net/
- Haketilo https://haketilo.koszko.org
- mitmproxy https://mitmproxy.org
- Invidious https://invidious.io
- youtube-dl https://youtube-dl.org
- libretube https://libre-tube.github.io
- newpipe https://newpipe.net
- woob https://woob.tech/
- Redirector http://einaregilsson.com/redirector/
- libredirect https://libredirect.github.io
- openwith https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/open-with/
- mastodon.el https://codeberg.org/martianh/mastodon.el
- mastorg https://g.ypei.me/dotted.git/tree/emacs/.emacs.d/lisp/my/mastorg.el
- sx.el https://github.com/vermiculus/sx.el
- buildbot.el https://g.ypei.me/buildbot.el.git/about/
- emacs-hnreader https://github.com/thanhvg/emacs-hnreader
- emacs-w3m https://emacs-w3m.github.io/
- luwak https://g.ypei.me/luwak.git/about/
- url-rewrite https://g.ypei.me/url-rewrite.git/about/
- wkhtmltopdf https://wkhtmltopdf.org
- pdf-tools https://github.com/vedang/pdf-tools
- emacs-web-server https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/web-server.html
- yolo.el https://g.ypei.me/dotted.git/tree/emacs/.emacs.d/lisp/my/yolo.el
- bom.el https://g.ypei.me/bom.el.git/about/
About the speaker:
Yuchen is a computer programmer, mathematician and free software advocate based in Melbourne, Australia. He is addicted to writing Emacs packages[3], of which a few has made into ELPA. He likes to claim to be the only free software advocate in Australia, in the hope that someone will correct him and point him to fellow comrades fighting for user freedom in Oz.
- [3] https://g.ypei.me
Questions and answers
- Q: I like the idea of using org mode to display data from the web.
Are there many different packages that does that? (I am newish to
Emacs, so maybe this is obvious to everyone else.)
- A: dragestil uses roughly 10 packages that display data from the web. Roughly half of them are org-mode based
- Q: Have you tried EAF (Emacs Application Framework) and its browser?
If yes, what is your opinion about it?
- A: No I haven't. My impression is it would run javascript by default. Not sure whether it has any extensions to block js. A nice comparison between different browsers including EAF, nyxt and emacs-webkit can be found in the readme file of https://github.com/akirakyle/emacs-webkit
- Q: I find the JavaScript trap almost impossible to avoid since I
like to buy used stuff online and use my online bank. How do you
deal with the JavaScript trap? I use NoScript and compromise on the
few things I really feel I cannot live wihtout. Eww is nice for a
lot of things, especially with R for less noise, but I need Firefox
for those JS-entrapped pages...
- A: Unfortunately I don't have a solution for that. I run nonfree javascript when doing banking or online shopping, though in a more isolated environment (mullvad browser) with a VPN. It's a tiny portion of my online activity (<.1% I suppose), so it's not that bad
- However, that does not mean emacs cannot help. woob has a few clients interfacing with online banking, so perhaps at least some banks allow the possibility of non-js client. It would be good to look into this.
- Q: This is not really relevant to the talk, but I am curious about
your nickname. Do you have some connection to Norway? Your nick
indicates an interest in the architectural style inspired by the
decoration on viking ships that was popular in the early 20th
century. dragestil = dragon style
- A: dragestil is my favourite architectural style. Look at these images on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragestil - aren't they gorgeous? I've only seen one of these famous ones in real life, the Buksnes Church on Lofoten Islands.
- Thoughts about Nyxt; about its aims, its approach, its relevance,
- Very early on, ran into issues with keybindings. More specifically, some conflicts between binding j to follow-hint in document mode and C-s/C-r to next-suggestion/previous-suggestion in prompt buffer mode. Did not continue with trying nyxt because keybindings are basic functionalities IMO. Might revisit someday. nyxt has a noscript-mode btw that blocks javascript. A nice comparison between different browsers including EAF, nyxt and emacs-webkit can be found in the readme file of https://github.com/akirakyle/emacs-webkit
- Q: so trying to understand, is emacs being used as a web proxy to scrub potentially privacy attacking JS?
- Q: Anyone else here has experimented with Nyxt? I haven't much, but can't say there's not an overlap with some of the ideas of Emacs and all. Just curious.
- Not the speaker:
- I recommend qutebrowser over nyxt. For me it was just easier to use, customize and has better user experience.
- I do/did too. But then it occurred to be that a very simple locally-loaded extension might very well be able to transform any of the major browsers into 99 + of Nyxt when paired with an Emacs backend (and websocket async bidirectional communication between the two)... (when said extension is made of a service worker part and a per-page part, to access both browser-level API/state, and page-level DOM, with just these two bits) e.g. could expose/present open tabs as pseudo-buffers (à la "virtual buffers/files"), candidates for completion, and such
- Not the speaker:
- mastorg for mastodon
- hacker news in org mode
- emacs-web-server for hosting things from Emacs
- Dang, this is really a great demo.
- I love how he's using org-mode to do it all.
- It might actually save the web!
- Emacs as a Firefox extension!!! Ha!
- Definitely some interesting ideas in that one, and the literate form is top-notch. Warrants a focused rewatch for me (back-n-forth between 2 talks is not conductive to my best focus it seems...)
- I really like Org-Babel as a bridge to make complex one-off tasks ("why did the stuff in the database get into this state?" type things, usually) reproduceable and version-controlled.
- Hear hear! Howard's talks over the years have converted me to do pretty much anything in Org-mode in literate form at this point
- Hear hear! Howard's talks over the years have converted me to do pretty much anything in Org-mode in literate form at this point
- I use org-babel for recurring tasks that I need to remember. Things I have to run once a month, etc. I guess I could use cron, but usually they aren't really time sensitive enough. Or they are things like clearing my mu4e trash, which requires that I quit mu4e.
- "It's not Emacs!" Ha!
but it blocks all scripts, whether free or non-free, trivial or non-trivial.
So the problem with blocking is that blocking with certain scripts and accepting others, there are like... I can think of two problems. One is that it does not help with Freedom 1, which is the freedom to allow users to modify a program and use it in place of the original program. And also it does not help when the non-free JavaScript is mandatory for the functioning of the web page. For example, some pages are blank when non-free JavaScript is not executed. So now let's move on to the substitution, the other method. Let's start with userscript. It is a script, it is a user-specified JavaScript injected to a web page. A typical example of userscript tool is GreaseMonkey. Another idea is a proxy that replaces scripts in place, that is, sending user-specified scripts as a response to requests for such scripts. So one example would be Haketilo, however you pronounce it. It's a tool that's built on top of mitmproxy. It is supposed to do this. I haven't used GreaseMonkey nor Haketilo for these purposes yet, so I can't say much about these options. So then there are also free clients which replace the whole frontend, instead of a script requested by web pages from the official web clients. People often refer to them as alternative frontend. YouTube is perhaps the best example as there are so many free clients, including Invidious for the web, youtube-dl and yt-dlp on the command line, MPV and VLC as GUI desktop, LibreTube and NewPipe for Android and so on. Youtube-dl and yt-dlp are especially versatile as they work with many video and audio sites with extractors written in Python, so people can add extractors like extensions. A similar tool would be woob, short for web outside of the browsers. It is a command-line and GUI program that interacts with many web services, even banks. And there are browser extensions that automatically redirect to these clients. For example, Redirector and Libredirect redirect to the free web clients. One could use OpenWith, another extension, to redirect to free non-web clients, for example by opening YouTube links with MPV.So we can browse the Stack Exchange Emacs site with ease.
The idea is quite simple. Just use APIs to get data and display it in Emacs, or just to scrape, like requesting HTML and processing it. An example of scraping is hnreader, which scrapes Hacker News web pages and renders them in Org buffers. Here's how hnreader fetches and displays the Hacker News front page. And one could go into the comments, which shows a similar hierarchy to mastorg's output. And of course, there are limitations for this method, which is not limited to Emacs. There are basically limitations to any ad hoc bespoke clients, which is catch-up games with remote server, which may change the API interface endpoints or even structure of the responses. This brings us to web browsers in Emacs.yolo-stop
So one could extend yolo to serve arbitrary Emacs commands,
making it even more dangerous.
That is, for example, localhost:9000/m-x/magit-status
would run magit-status
and show the magit-status buffer in the web browser.
Or localhost:9000/m-x/eww/
any arbitrary URL to browse arbitrary URL
with EWW inside of Firefox.
It can serve as a way to block all JavaScript,
because EWW does not support JavaScript.
And enforce preferred colorscheme in Firefox,
since htmlize, as you have noticed,
faithfully reflects the theme used in Emacs.
M-x bom
which shows an org buffer with links to each state.
So based in Melbourne, naturally,
I would like to find out the weather of Victoria.
And yes, to execute this command. Wait, wait, wait. Right.
And we are at a buffer that shows
the weather forecast of the whole of Victoria
in the hierarchy. Note that this back button
takes you to the previous page.
So here are the regions of Victoria.
I think Melbourne is in Central.
And yeah, it shows
the seven-day weather forecast of Melbourne.
You can also reach this page by running,
let's see, directly M-x bom-state
OK. So this works.
And this is bom as an Emacs package.
Now let's check out bom as a web app
transformed by Emacs web framework.
So start the web server with bom-start.
And let's try it out. It's at 9000 again.
Oops. Invalid path. Oh, that's because
it makes exactly one command to one path.
So remember that we used the bom command
to show the landing page.
So here we need the bom in the path as well.
And it shows the same landing page, except in HTML.
Let's check out Victoria weather forecast as before.
And it shows an HTML converted from the org buffer
using ox export HTML, whatever.
And you can see even the back button is here.
That takes you to /bom.
So let's have a look at Melbourne. Here it is.
Hooray, it works.
So, yeah, as usual,
you can stop the web server with M-x bom-stop
Right. And alternatively,
it can also be deployed directly in terminal
in a dedicated Emacs daemon.
So you can see that there's a one-one correspondence
between the Emacs package interface and the web interface.
And that implies some restrictions to the Emacs package
for the Emacs web framework to be able to do its job. Right.
For example, the package needs to have an Org interface
and the links that trigger other commands
need to be in Elisp links
so that the Emacs web framework
can translate it to web server URL path.
Note that Emacs web server framework is not a real package.
I wrote some functions in bom.el serving the purpose,
and they should be separated out eventually
without much trouble.
One could get weather forecast
without running JavaScript anyway,
which makes bom.el less important
as an alternative web client.
Though it does provide, dare I say,
a clean and minimal interface
compared to common weather forecast web pages.
Other more relevant use cases could be Mastodon,
whose official web client requires JavaScript
to display a post.
The mastorg package that shows an Org hierarchy of toots
rooted as a given toot could be a low-hanging fruit.
The limitation of Org interface requirements
can also be relaxed in further work,
if one could extend Emacs web framework
to translate back and forth between Emacs widgets,
say, including buttons and web page widgets,
including links.
Another more far-fetched idea would be
to translate to other types of interfaces,
like GNU/Linux or Android GUI.
How about animations? Say, M-x butterfly,
or even web games from Emacs games?
Possibilities are unlimited in this, as always, in Emacs.
I also noticed some limitations
when trying to actually host bom.el on the public web.
Given the limited access to the Emacs server,
I was comfortable enough to give bom.el a go
to serve it on the public web.
However, I immediately stopped
after noticing how slow it is.
It can take more than 30 seconds
to load a page of weather forecast for a state.
I am also not sure how many simultaneous connections
it can handle.
In any case, I think the package emacs-web-server
could do with some performance enhancement.
Captioner: ken
Q&A transcript (unedited)
Hi Yuchen, how are you doing? I'm not sure if I... Yeah, I mean, brain not working well at this moment. How about you? EmacsConf is a very taxing process and I can tell you we could have a race to know who's more more tired right now between you and myself but I guess we'll find out at the end How late or how early I should say is it for you right now? It should be like 6am or like 8.30 or something. Well, anyway, thank you for the sacrifice just to answer some of the questions. All right, so I'll be displaying the questions. I'll be, let me just maximize this on the stream so that people can read everything on my screen. So what I'm going to do, Yuchen, as usual, I'm going to start reading the questions on the pad. I'm going to ask Sasha to open the Q&A. Yes, it's already open. Cool. So if you want to join us, people, Feel free to click on the link on the talk or on IRC to join us on BBB and to ask your questions. Otherwise just leave them on the pad. Alright, Yuchen, starting with the first question. I like the idea of using org-mode to display data from the web. Are there many different packages that do not, I assume. I'm new to Emacs, so maybe this is obvious to everyone else. specify what is it to display data from the web. Just reading it like this, I'm reminded of Adam, Arthur Pappa, I mean, Code All Capture Web, which technically captures the web and allows you to embed it in the page, but is it really displaying data from the web? Are we implying live transmission? Do you see what I'm talking about? like, having Emacs as a client that's sort of getting data from the web and then displays in Emacs, like using API or using web script. So yeah, like the hreader package or a few packages mentioned in my talk. Yeah, that's a good question. I mean, I really don't know how many. So from my experience, maybe I use like 10, less than 10 packages that do these things. And among these packages, maybe it's half of them are org, Is that what you said? but that's just based on the packages I use. I haven't done a survey about this. the answers. I mean, you already demonstrate a lot of competence and you talk about all the things you approach with your particular setup, So you don't need to have all the answers. Okay. All right, moving on to the next question. Have you tried EAF, i.e. The Emacs application framework and its browser? If yes, what is your opinion about it? I try to remember why I haven't tried it. It has a browser. I assume the browser executes JavaScript by default. I have to check. Emacs.daf slash daf browser. and you know whenever you want to report to the pad you know you write a little blurb haven't tried it. that's cool. We're gonna move on to a question that is a little bit off topic, but I've also been interested about your nickname on IRC. This is not really relevant to the talk, quoting the question, but I'm curious about your nickname. You have some connection to Norway. Your nick indicates an interest in the architectural style inspired by the decoration on Viking ships that was popular in the early 20th century because Dragonsteel, I assume in Norwegian, is Dragon style. Are you familiar with this? style, I think. I mean, I lived in Sweden for like 2, 1 half years and yeah I went to Norway once and I saw like this church in Lofoten Island, on Luton Island. Right. it was amazing. So, yeah, that's exactly why I chose that as my nickname, because it's my favorite architecture style. the viewers, so I hope you feel validated in Yuchen, do you have any thoughts about Nixed, about its name, its approach, its relevance? About Nixed, the browser, N-Y-X-T. Oh, Nixed. Well, I mean, it's not Emacs. It's kind of similar. I think it tries to do something similar to Emacs, but The problem with Nix is that very early on I encountered an issue with keybinding. So the first thing I want to do is to make all its keybindings emax-y. So that's obviously... So what was the problem? So yeah, I couldn't even do that. I thought, I was expecting that it could... There shouldn't be any issues with setting up whatever key binding you want. So I, the, the issue was that when I tried to do when I tried to bind Ctrl S Ctrl R to the prompt going up and down, so I use I was I complete and I'm used to like the control S and control R to go, to cycle through the selections. And so I want it the same in next in its prompt like when, for example, typing a URL and get completion from history. But it has a conflict with the... And also, I try to bind the hint. So when I want to follow a link, So I press a hint key and then like all these links are highlighted with like little letters that I can like choose which 1 I want which link I want to follow. So I try to bind that 1 to J sort of like Control C, Control J, or mode. But apparently there's a conflict here. So when I do both these prompt mode binding and the document mode binding, Yeah, the prompt no longer works. And I reported the bug to Nixt. And yeah, and there was response but there are so many bugs there, and I don't think that bug is very high priority. So yeah, I basically stopped trying that because key mining is very important to without key bindings I can't like, I won't. So, okay, I feel this is a very basic functionality. I'm kind of reluctant to So yesterday with Stefan we were talking about sane defaults and when he was sleeping today we talked about it again with a speaker. We did the mentor talk. Feel free to re-watch it afterwards. But it's funny how, you know, regardless of how big the package actually is, they always provide some kind of sane default and with Nixed, obviously, it's built with a Vim mentality and modality of key bindings. And for us, we are more used to the Emacs way of doing things. It's a complete blocker. No matter how great the pieces of functionality behind Nixed are, just the fact that UX-wise we cannot get into it or we cannot have it behave nicely with what we do. It's a massive block that is preventing appropriation of such tools. So it might seem very basic to bounce a package at the level of key bindings but that's what we all do. we have about 2 more minutes of questions and I see people are writing more questions. Did you want to add something, Yucheng? On what we're saying? I'm going to ask you to be quick about this- I'm going to read the question,
Questions or comments? Please e-mail id@ypei.org