Why Nabokov would use Org-Mode if he were writing today
Edmund Jorgensen (he/him) - https://tomheon.com, ewj@inkwellandoften.com
Format: 10-min talk ; Q&A: BigBlueButton conference room
Status: Q&A to be extracted from the room recordings
Duration: 09:51 minutes00:00.000 Introduction 00:45.760 Nabokov's process of writing novels 02:24.080 Three practical problems novelists face 04:46.560 Org mode for writing novels 08:55.600 Takeaways and next steps
I've written several novels in Emacs. One of them grew into a monster with a baker's dozen twisty, interconnected subplots.
When I started to revise that novel, I had to use an outline to keep all the subplots straight, but I found it nearly impossible to keep that external outline consistent with the prose.
Finally I landed on a workflow using org-mode to keep the outline and the prose together, which significantly reduced the burden of keeping the two consistent as I moved and modified sections. I also found a way to use tags and sparse views over them to enable quick read-throughs of subsets of the book for continuity checks (which I plan to demo).
Later--long after finishing the book--I realized this process was essentially the Emacs update to the writing process that Nabokov used: he wrote on index cards that served as both prose and outline, so that he could move them around (which he did incessantly).
There's something deeply beautiful about org-mode's refusal to treat structure and prose as different things in a piece of writing--something I think Nabokov would have appreciated, and something I definitely appreciate, because it saved my novel.
About the speaker:
I'm Edmund Jorgensen, a software engineer by day and a writer by night, using Emacs for both. When one of my novels threatened to collapse under the weight of its own subplots, org-mode's powerful blending of structure and prose rescued it. I'd like to show you how that worked, and how much of org-mode's power for writing comes from its similarity to Nabokov's famous index-card-based writing process.
- It looks like the Zettelkasten slipbox for nabokov
- James Howell also like the idea using small slide to convey single
idea to the reader. In emacs, we have
function. Yes! I use various narrow functions to present text with Emacs. (I use narrow a bunch when editing, it really helps focus on a chapter or scene)- The funny thing about narrow functions, I mean the first time I saw it in the manual, there is a warning to the new user. That would be afraid of this kind of functionality, and you have to be careful, haha...
- I saw that warning too and avoided narrow for a long time as a
result! But it's not really that bad...
- Exactly, I use narrow a lot, you know, every time I'm working on any single type of writing or writing a code or writing a piece of manuscript. It's really helped me to narrow down my attention and to kind of release any other thoughts that is not directly connected to the current things I'm working on. And that really is an underestimated functionality for the Emacs.
- The most valuable thing that Org will bring to the writer is the structure, how we can navigate between different structures of thoughts.
- The idea is using tag to narrow down a single person's timeline in the whole context of stories. It's something very interesting.
- ewj.io/emacs
- 👏 I'll start writing my masterpiece tomorrow!
- I need to use tags more, org-sparse-tree is handy
Questions and answers
- Q: Does the index really matter here? I mean, his colleague is also
using some A4 paper, and do you think that the index card is the
most important thing here?
- A:
- portbablity win!
- A:
- Q:How do you export the second level headings (scenes in this
example) without the heading itself, just the content?
- A:3 ways for this: ox-ignore (it was visually annoying), dumb
awk script, pandoc filters in lua
- I would say the org-transclusion works very well for this kind of demand.
- A:3 ways for this: ox-ignore (it was visually annoying), dumb
awk script, pandoc filters in lua
- Q: Slightly offtopic: where can we see your novels?
- A: there are on Amazon: two of them, and a book of short-stories
- Q: Have you looked at the Denote Signature features. The
hierarchical nature of luhman IDs and index cards work well with
Denote Signatures
- A:I haven't, but I will take a look!
- https://protesilaos.com/emacs/denote#h:f9204f1f-fcee-49b1-8081-16a08a338099
- The part that I like with signatures is they can be optional with your zettelkasten as another way to use it.
- Q: Do you have a workflow combining hand-written index cards and org
- A:
- Maybe just take a picture and OCR for your small index
cards, but at the end of the day you always have to go back
to your main Org files.
- Ooh, I have a workflow for using Google's OCR to grab
the text from my sketches (esp. the ID) so that I can
link to my sketches in Org with ID and completion -
- haha, nice to see different approach, I personally didn't do that because I still most of my work is on the computer so yeah in the future if i have lots of handwriting notes in my working I will reconsider Google solution
- Ooh, I have a workflow for using Google's OCR to grab
the text from my sketches (esp. the ID) so that I can
link to my sketches in Org with ID and completion -
- Maybe just take a picture and OCR for your small index
cards, but at the end of the day you always have to go back
to your main Org files.
- A:
- Q:
- A:
Personally, I tend to use top line headers
as chapters and second line headers as scenes.
You can see that here, where chapter one says
"Bob and Shirley meet."
Here's a scene, "Bob goes to the store."
And here below is chapter two, yet unwritten,
where Bob goes to work.
Pretty exciting. Since Org mode supports folding,
I can read quickly through a summary of my novel
at either the chapter or the scene level
just by flipping through different levels of
visibility, just like Nabokov could flip through
different bundles of cards.
So here's the chapter level.
I can see at a chapter level,
"Bob and Shirley meet", "Bob goes to work."
And then I can get one level more specific
and see the various scenes in the chapter
at the second header level.
And I can, if I want,
I can go all the way back to the prose level.
And just like Nabokov shuffling
his index cards around,
I can move scenes around as logical units.
Let's say, for example,
that we wanted to move Bob's thoughts about life,
which are down here, up further.
Well, I can grab "Bob thinks about life,"
and I can move it up or down as a logical unit.
But Org mode offers some even more powerful tricks
for structuring and navigating your novel,
beyond what even index cards can do.
For example, you can use tags
on your scene headings. You can see these here.
They're the prominent colon separated words
on the header lines.
In this case, I'm using bob
and shirley
These tags can represent characters
who appear in the scene,
which is what I'm doing here,
or locations in which the scenes occur,
or plot lines that the scenes further,
really anything that you want.
And you can then use Org mode's sparse view features
to query a set of tags and trim your novel down to
a subset of related scenes.
For example, let's say we want to filter down to
only the scenes in which Shirley appears.
This could allow us to read quickly through
just a subset of the prose,
the prose that referred to Shirley in some way.
Maybe we want to do that
to check continuity for her character,
or make sure that her character develops
along a compelling arc,
or even just to get a sense
of how much airtime she gets in the novel.
Thanks for listening to this whirlwind exploration
of some of the practical challenges of writing
novels and other long-form prose,
and how Org mode can help tackle them.
Captioner: bhavin192
Q&A transcript (unedited)
seconds. And I believe we are live. Hi Edmund, how are you doing? I'm doing well, thanks. Yourself? his webcam on but he will be able to answer questions that you ask inside of the Azure pad that I've shared again on IRC. By the way, we only have 1 question and we have about 40 minutes of question time, so feel free to add as many questions as you want and in the meantime, we'll get started on the first 1. Unless, Edmond, do you have anything to say after your presentation? is the index, sorry, does the index really matter here? I mean his colleague is also using some A4 paper and you think that the index card is the most important thing here? I mean, I think you can do anything with a larger piece of paper that you can do with a smaller piece of paper. But I actually encourage you to try this out. I did, not for research for this talk, but just when I read about Nabokov and his index cards to begin with, I kind of tried it out a little bit and wrote some shorter things on index cards and so on and there really is something about the size and the kind of ability to manipulate them. You really can bundle them and move them around easier and I think that that I think he enjoyed that. So sure I mean I think you can do anything with a4 paper that you could do with index cards but I think there's something about that form that lends itself to the especially to the reorganization maybe to the focus as well just because it's smaller but but definitely to the reorganization. now. So thank you, everyone, for answering my plea for more questions. Next question. How do you explore the second level headings, i.e. The scenes in this example, without the heading itself, just the content? Is that clear enough? sorry, 3 ways with this and landed on 1 that I like. Originally I used the OX package. There's an OX ignore thing in there where you can add an ignore tag to where you don't want the headings, but you do want the content exported. I found that a little bit annoying, just visually annoying, when I'm, again, My theme here is navigating 100,000 word documents effectively and having that extra visual noise was kind of a pain. So I ended up, first I just did like a dumb ox script as part of my publication kind of pipeline that removed headlines at the scene level. And then actually, because I ended up leaning so heavily on Pandoc, and Pandoc, for those of you who have not looked at recent versions of Pandoc, they've got a really fantastic way to use Lua at this point to write filters. So you can kind of take the AST of your document and run these very simple Lua filters over it. They used to be in Haskell, which I'm not smart enough to write Haskell is 1 of the things that I've discovered. I keep bouncing off of it, but I'm just smart enough to write Lua. And so I use a Lua filter now, which I'm happy to publish to anyone who's interested. That basically lets me say, you know, what level headings to get rid of the heading, but publish the content. And part of the reason that's been useful is that some of the other novels I'm working on for example have different levels of hierarchy where maybe there's a part and then you know at the top level and then chapter and then scene and it's now the third level instead of the second and it's much easier in the Lua to just be like remove the third level headings or the second level headings or whatever it is so that's been that's been helpful. slightly off topic, where can we see your novels? they're on Amazon, there's 2 of them and a book of short stories. I think the short stories and the second novel, which is called World Enough in Time, which is the 1 that kind of prompted this talk, are probably of more interest to this, to the Emacs focused group. The first one's like a philosophical murder mystery, but the World Enough in Time is a kind of Douglas Adams inspired sci-fi comedy about kind of hijinks on a relativistic speed space cruiser, which was a lot of fun to write. It has a lot of twisty subplots, which is where I developed that technique of being able to filter down to tags and see a reduced version of the novel, which was very handy when trying to juggle 13 subplots. So yeah, check it out. links available on the talk page afterwards. Right now I sadly have to host so I cannot look up the links but we'll make sure or if Yeah. In the meantime we'll move on to the next question. Have you looked at the Denote signature features? The hierarchical nature of Lumen's ideas and index cards works well with Denote signatures. So are you familiar with Denote first? should check out. boxes. We talked a little bit about it earlier today. We talked about Orgroam, we talked about Denote as well as a lighter alternative to Orgroam. And yeah, the organization with index cards feels like it's something that would highly benefit from linking and back links and any kind of UX functionality for relating pieces of information. So yeah, definitely look it up. I use org-roam for a lot of different stuff and I would love, I will definitely check out Denote as an alternative. familiar with what Signature is within Denote and it'd be great if the person who asked the question could perhaps provide more details so that Edmund could get a little more information when he returns to the document. But yeah, if you're using Org-ROM, you're already within the mindset that you need, and perhaps you'd gain a little bit extra stuff from using Dino's signature, I assume. We have 8 minutes. We're still good on time. Next question, do you have a workflow combining handwritten index cards and org mode? I do write by hand when I get, I don't know what a good term for it is, I'll call it like editorial paralysis or something when I find it very hard to move forward in something because I keep going back and tweaking. And I will handwrite stuff at that point and then type it in because it's so much harder to get stuck in editing mode when you have to move forward on the page. I don't use index cards. In the blog article that I link in my talk, the ewj.io slash emacs 1, I did try using handwritten or spreadsheet outlines at 1 point and found them very, very clumsy for novel writing just because I do so much, I mean, I do so much revision that moving things around meant that I had to keep 2 things in sync with each other, the pros and the outline. And that was what really led me to Org Mode as a way to keep the, again, I think part of the key for me is keeping the outline and the pros right next to each other in a way that they move around which is just really, I don't know, for me really really powerful. questions available on the pad, but I see that some people have joined us on BBB, so hi everyone. If you have any questions feel free to unmute yourself and ask them. Otherwise, we might go on a break. So I'm going to give you about 10 seconds to unmute yourself. Or if you just want to add more questions on the pad, that's also fine. And that'll give you about 30 seconds. Otherwise, we'll need to go on a break. And in the meantime, I'll thank you, Edmund, for your presentation, because it's always nice, you know, we The reason why we have 2 tracks, and we've been having 2 tracks for the last 2 or 3 editions of EmacsConf is because it's really nice to have those talks which are still related to Emacs and to far distance developments because we are obviously using packages. But it's really nice to see when we foray into other areas like writing or any kind of academia-based topics. So thank you, it's really nice. It brings different colors to the spectrum of what EmacsConf is and what ultimately Emacs is as well. Thank you. thanks to you and all the other organizers for putting this together. Appreciate it. go on a little break for 5 minutes because I don't see other questions being asked. So everyone we'll see you again in 5 minutes and thank you again, Edmund.Questions or comments? Please e-mail ewj@inkwellandoften.com