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Org-roam: Technical Presentation
Leo Vivier
Download compressed .webm video (47.4M)
Download compressed .webm video (23.5M, highly compressed)
Org-roam is a Roam replica built on top of the all-powerful Org-mode.
Org-roam is a solution for effortless non-hierarchical note-taking with Org-mode. With Org-roam, notes flow naturally, making note-taking fun and easy. Org-roam should also work as a plug-and-play solution for anyone already using Org-mode for their personal wiki.
Org-roam aims to implement the core features of Roam, leveraging the mature ecosystem around Org-mode where possible. Eventually, we hope to further introduce features enabled by the Emacs ecosystem.
The purpose of the talk is to present some technical aspects of Org-roam. From the very beginning, we wanted Org-roam to scale with your notes, and this meant that we had to keep a close eye on our performances. As we iterated, optimisation remained a top-priority, leading us to constantly peek under Org-mode's hood. Not only has this made us better developers, but it has also uncovered paths of optimisation for Org-mode itself.
The talk is targeted at software engineers willing to peek under Org-mode's hood. A rudimentary understanding of Elisp will be required.
Points to be covered
- SQL database via emacsql
- Elisp libraries
- Parsing of Org-mode files
- org-elements.e
- Parsing with a background-process
- Ensuring consistency via hooks
- Actual start and end time (EST): Start: 2020-11-28T15.39.41; Q&A: 2020-11-28T15.56.29; End: 2020-11-28T16.01.03
Why not to run a background Emacs for parsing instead of implement a new parser?
Running a background Emacs progress sounds great, but is still limited. Forwarding all queries to a background Emacs (like org-mode's exporter does) is only feasible with a (??? zaeph can probably fix the answer).
How often does the DB index get updated in order to contain changes within Org files?
Either on save, or on idle-timer.
Did you ever think of opening up (or designing) the SQL DB as a general Org speedup-tool outside of org-roam so that other libraries that do execute complex queries are able to re-use the summarized data?
FYI, see John Kitchin's work, he uses a SQLite database to index his Org files.
- John's DB approach is great. However, we should not end up using several DB-index in parallel. ;-)+1
Obviously with the 'global backlinks' agenda, it would be interesting to combine with the eev stuff from before
About the external program, you could just talk to the PANDOC guys (or Firn [Parses org-files into data structures with Orgize], Logseq [OCaml & Angstrom, for the document parser]), they're very helpful and have already a good org-mode parser
Is it feasible to have this process of parsing org-roam following the LSP protocol? that would allow to be editor agnostic, and it would save the work to define the communication protocol and any other technical details.
- "org-roam just wants to create backlinks".
- org-mode has many many files (377 lines in dired… including .elc files).
- If you want to create an index of all the org files using the native format, it would be very slow. So org-roam uses a sqlite database.
- ripgrep (written in Rust) is more capable than grep; used by some Zettelkasten implementations.
- "Is there something we could do to import backlinks into Org mode?"
- "We've always tried to have an experimental ground where we can track backlinks"
Saturday, Nov 28 2020, ~ 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM EST
Saturday, Nov 28 2020, ~12:40 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Saturday, Nov 28 2020, ~ 8:40 PM - 9:00 PM UTC
Saturday, Nov 28 2020, ~ 9:40 PM - 10:00 PM CET
Sunday, Nov 29 2020, ~ 4:40 AM - 5:00 AM +08
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